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Last Updated: December 1, 2024

These Terms of Use, also referred as the “Agreement”, “Contract”  and/or “Terms of Use Agreement” set forth the terms and conditions applicable and agreed to and by you and  Nanny Group International LLC dba, as disclosed in this Terms of Use Agreement you are bound by these terms and conditions of this Contract.  Additional Terms of Use may be in effect by using certain services or products belonging to our company or affiliates, in which  if it is the case the Additional Terms of Use will be disclosed and specified in the in the printed material related to those services or products.

a.   It is the full responsibility of each of our users, subscribers and/or members to read all our Terms and Conditions, including the Additional Terms of Use before any subscription or utilization of any of our platforms, online sites, surveys, or any other product related access.  All our Visitors, Users, Subscribers, and Members are subject to our Terms of Use and applicable Additional Terms of Use.


b.   By using our web connected platforms, sites, webpages or any other access to our Services and/or Products, you hereby represent, understand, certify, agree, and consent all our Terms of Use and Additional Terms of Use if applicable which also includes our Privacy Policy and our Code of Conduct Agreement described in section 3 of this contract.


c.   An agreement to Arbitrate and Mediation is in effect with The Agreement, which requires you to abide to arbitration in case you have a claim against, leaving without effect any plaintiff or class member legal action pursuant to relief of any kind and allowing only individual claims seeking monetary or declaratory relief or injunction procedures of any kind. 


d.   These Terms of Use are subject to change by management at any time and any changes or updates will be communicated through a notice on our platforms, webpages and/or website for the knowledge of all our visitor, users, members, and subscribers. You, as a visitor, user, member or subscriber are responsible to periodically read our section of Terms of Use and by doing so, you are acknowledging such changes/ updates and understand they are in effect immediately as they are included in our Terms of Use Agreement. 


e.   Also, these Terms of Use are applicable to any “web-site”, web-page,  mobile web-site and market application operated and/or owned by  Nanny Group International LLC our subsidiaries,  or any other Joint Venture except of those that are explicitly excluded, such as third parties website or pages or any other  affiliated service that may be included in the future.


This Agreement is subject to any change by in its sole judgment at any moment.  Notifications of such changes are posted in our Site and by posting an updated version of the Agreement on this page.  Your continued use of the Site, webpages, product and/or services constitute your unequivocal acceptance of such amendments.

  1.   Limitations of our Services

  2.   User Commitment and Eligibility

  3.   Code of Conduct applicable to Users/Members/Subscribers

  4.   Limitations of Subscriptions and Content

  5.   Accounts/Memberships/Subscriptions Uses and Exclusions

  6.   Screening Process and Uses of Reports

  7.   Cancellation of Service

  8.   Privacy of all our Users

  9.   Renewals and Cancellation of Memberships or Subscriptions

  10.   Payment, billing, and Refund Policy

  11.   Changing you Plan

  12.   Claims and Resolution Center

  13.   Disclaimers and additional Covenants

  14.   Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

  15.   Agreement on Arbitrage and Class Action Prohibition

  16.   Mediation Process

  17.   Governing Law

  18.   Severability

  19.   Miscellaneous


1.    Limitations of our Services


a.   Our services are a valuable tool for our visitor, users, members, and subscribers to search, browse, discover, and arrange their chosen care service.  Job seekers are responsible for compliance with their State, Province and/or Country’s laws, regulations, and any employment procedure applicable in connection with the employment relationship they create with their employer, such as payroll, tax, and minimum wage laws. This Service Agreement is not applicable to  any of our Service Providers and/or direct employees in Nanny Group International LLC office in Puerto Rico and it is understood that does not employ any job seeker unless is a direct service provider to any of our programs in Puerto Rico through our Company.


b.   All profiles created through our platforms are shared among visitors, users, members, and subscribers for the purpose of connecting with the care service of their predilection, using their own judgment, character, and personal choices and likes. does not take part in the interaction among Members, Subscribers, Visitors and/or users other than facilitating the communication through our website, or to collect payments of subscriptions and memberships, products or services.


c.   Back up care services available in some regions, are regulated by their State, Province or Country respective laws and regulations.  The Backup care Service is excluded from our Terms of Use as they have their own terms of use and/or regulations that we cannot guarantee their screening process and/or safety protocols.  We do however, in accordance with the law encourage these Back Up Care Organizations to comply with the applicable regulations emphasizing quality, compliance, high standards and the use of screening process such as background check and reference check, among others.


d.   It is set forth that we do not have control over the validity, character, nature, integrity, quality and features of any job seeker utilizing our platform; thus we cannot guarantee their actions or make any representation or recommendation  in relation with the services they are promoting or showcasing in their profiles and/or bio, their offline behavior or any public or private interaction and/or reaction.  It is understood that we do not make referrals or endorse whether express or implied, any individual, agency or institution and none of our employees, our administration or our affiliates engage in the actions of providing medical service or treatment to diagnose any condition, nor engaging in transactions that may require a professional license, however members and subscribers who claim to own a license can let others users know they have it with the full  understanding that it is not duty to validate such information.


e. does not assume and explicitly disclaim any liability that may arise because of using any information disclosed in our Site and webpages.  All visitors, users, members and subscribers, weather job seekers or care seekers, unequivocally agree not to hold, Nanny Group International LLC, our affiliated partners, subsidiaries, officer, administration, employees, successors, stakeholders, advertisers, representatives, recruiters, agents or any other joint venture, liable for any action or inaction of any job seeker, care seekers, or any information, injunction, counseling or service which originated through the Site.  Any damage, suits, claims, and/or dispute that have risen or may occur, whether known or unknown therefrom.


2.    User Commitment and Eligibility


a.   When utilizing any of our platforms, webpages, services and/or products, all our users (including visitor, members, and subscribers) are responsible for scrutinizing, verifying background checks, reports of any kind, and references, confirm identity and the legality of documents submitted by the potential candidate.  Any background check or identity verification made by is not a final conclusive process or authentication of data and requires each user to perform their own candidate identity corroboration.  


b.   When utilizing any of our platforms, webpages, services and/or product as user, visitor, member and/or subscriber you are testifying that you have the authority, the faculty and the full knowledge to abide to the Terms of Use and Conditions and/or any agreement intended for visitors, users, members and subscribers.


c.   To be eligible to use our platforms, subscribe, create a profile, and/or communicate with other members of our online community, all users must be 18 years or older and able to legally work in the United States of America and its territories.  Any bio or profile will be deleted on suspicion of being underaged as per our accords and regulations.


d.   To be eligible to use our platforms, subscribe, create a profile, and/or communicate with other members of our community, all users must not have a criminal record, have been registered as a sex offender, have had any juvenile record of any kind, and have never been involved in a drug case, felony, fraud, theft case or record, or have any offence record of endangering, abused or neglected any person or animal. Any bio or profile will be deleted on suspicion of any of the above as per our accords and regulations.


e.   To be eligible to use our platforms, subscribe, create a profile, and/or communicate with other members of our online community, users cannot represent any competition of


3.    Code of Conduct applicable to Users/Members/Subscribers


Our reputation as a Family Company at your Service, beyond our brand names ensue the delivery of a reliable, trusted, and safe Family Care Concierge Service to our online Community. As such, we must observe an expected conduct of all our users when logging in to our Site and Web pages, and when utilizing our products and/or services.


All our users, visitors, members, and subscriber must observe our Code of Conduct for Users, Members and Subscribers without exceptions. All interactions with other users, members and subscribers shall be with respect and deference regarding race, sex orientation, and/or religious beliefs. Discriminatory nuances, bullying or harassment in any form is not tolerated in the Sites, webpages or any part of forums, messages or else. The offering of illegal items or products is strictly prohibited. Sexual Content, offensive material, nudity or any form of personal attack, verbal abuse, threat, or any kind of offensive behavior toward any other person, individual, or anyone is not permitted or tolerated.


We encourage any visitor, user, member and/or subscriber to report any kind of the above mention behavior/conduct. Help us improve the experience to all our online community by submitting through our Contact Us page a report of any incident by selecting in the space the option. Describe the incident and include all the pertinent information to open an investigation.


4.    Limitations of Subscriptions and Content


a.   All subscribers and members are required to upload updated, valid, and unequivocal personal information in their account, subscription, bio and/or profile.  It is also required that you use your real legal name and that no individual’s right is violated in any way, such as  but not limited to the right of privacy, intellectual property rights, or copy rights of any of our users, visitors, member, subscribers or or any of our affiliates, corporations or joint ventures. 


b.   All subscribers and members are required to follow a code of conduct that includes the NO use of fault language, offensive or obscene material. Any information should be accurate and not libelous in any form, no nudity or sexual content is permitted, neither nuances driven by hate, racial or religious harassing.


c.   All content administered by any of our users, visitors, members and/or subscribers it is understood that it is of your property and that you are the authorized agent of such content. In uploading any content to any part of our websites you also represent and ratify that public posting of your content does not constitute a violation of third-party rights.


d.   By submitting, posting, up loading or sharing any content, material, picture, and/or image, you are unequivocally authorizing, Nanny Group International LLC, any of our affiliates, joint ventures and/or partnerships to use, copy, reproduce, exhibit, modify, distribute or utilize in any promo, advertising or any marketing campaign without any monetary compensation or payment, acknowledging a perpetual warrant or license to, Nanny Group International LLC, Affiliates or any of our joint ventures.


e.   You acknowledge and consent that  may edit, analyze, delete, and/or review all material and content at any moment, under our judgment if we believe that all, any or some part may constitute a violation of our Terms of Use, Code of Conduct or Services or represent a threat of any form to any of our users, visitors, members, subscribers or others.


f.   Any advice, outlook, statements, content or any information by others in any of our sites, webpages, services or through any of our platforms, does not constitute  a direct statement by or its agents, our Corporation, stakeholders, successors or administrators, therefore not accountable for such opinions, advices, statements or content.


g.   Any review made to any user by other users will remain under your profile, account or bio and we have no obligation to remove it.  Nonetheless, you can request examination but will not lead to the cancellation of your subscription or membership and will not disassociate from your original account.  The author of any review can request the removal of a review by email.


5.     Accounts/Memberships/Subscriptions Uses and Exclusions



a.   As an account holder seeking for a job or potential candidate for any other user seeking family care in the family care industry, you are entitled to use your account for the purpose of job opportunities for yourself.  As an account holder in search of  a care helper, and/or in search of a service connected to our family care options within the family care industry, you are entitled to use your account through your membership/subscription only to fulfill your necessity for your family member and only your family.


b.   All accounts, membership or subscriptions are non-transferable, and the identified user is responsible and accountable for all activity in connection with such account/membership/subscription.


c.   All risks associated with your use of accounts/memberships/subscriptions through our Site and/or webpages as a visitor, user, member, or subscriber including but not limited to online and offline interaction with other users, visitor, members, or subscribers are fully assumed by you.


a.   All accounts/memberships/subscriptions are used for the intended purposes described in the above Uses of Accounts/Memberships/Subscriptions and not for fraudulent, libelous, or otherwise offensive, obscene or defamatory purposes; thus all information included in your account must be real, verifiable and reliable.


b.   Any account, profile or bio that after examined it is classified as abusive, harmful, discriminatory, or threatening in any manner will be deleted and forbid to ever use our service and/or product and such account will be terminated without refunding or further notice.


c.   The use of accounts/memberships/subscriptions must exclude any promo or solicitation of commercial nature.


Any attempt to use a crawler, a malware or any other program to disrupt, intrude  or hack into any of our users, visitors, member or subscribers computer or devices and/or computers or devices constitute a Federal Crime with legal consequences.  We reserve the right to use any legal channel to protect our users, employees, stakeholders, successors and any other related organization, joint venture, or our company.

Any violation to any part of this Terms of Use or our Terms of Use agreement, and its corporate administration reserves the right to terminate any membership or subscription, limit or finalize the access to any of our platforms, webpages, sites, services and/or products and/or block IP addresses that may result in damaging, harming or demoralize an individual within our community, including but not limited to fines between $5,000 to $15,000.

6.    Screening Process and Uses of Reports


Screening Process

a. may screen you and order background checks refer herein as “The Screening Process”  that may include but it is not limited to Criminal History Check, Prior Employment Verification, Education Verification, Reference Check, Sexual Offender Registry Check, Check, Driving Records, Warrants Search, and/or Motor Vehicle Records at any moment. is not obliged to perform any report on any registered user but under discretion, may use third parties agencies and/or may use public records to verify the identity and to validate information in accounts, profiles and/or bios with the purpose of keeping safe the fidelity of our services as consent by you when registering to the Site.  If you do not wish to be background checked or go through The Screening Process, you should not use


b.   Background checks are regulated by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and the reports generated are considered “consumer reports” under the FCRA.  Consumer reports may contain information on your persona and aids in the assessment of the safety and performance of a product.  The results of The Screening Process are a confidential file .  The results of The Screening Process are a confidential file used to validate identity and basic information from each account holder in our system.  If you order a Screening Report to a potential care helper, you are considered an end-user and must comply with the FCRA by not utilizing such reports to discriminate against the individual or misuse the information given, as provided by any applicable federal or state equal opportunity laws or regulations.

c.   By signing in, opening an account, belonging to our online community, have a memberships or a subscription in our system, you are acknowledging The Screening Process and authorizing The Screening Process on your persona, independently of your condition as a job seeker, candidate, seeking a care helper or as a user, visitor, member and/or subscriber looking for family care.  Your registration and usage of our Site, webpages, service and/or products, you acknowledge that may review and use any report you have order or authorized about your persona to protect the integrity of our Site, webpage, products and/or services.

d.    All our users, visitors, members and/or subscribers can request the performance of The Screening Process of a potential job seeker/candidate/care helper.  The Reports generated by The Screening Process are available by an independent fee charge and payment must be submitted prior to the receipt of these reports.  These reports are generated by third-party consumer reporting agencies.


e.   The information collected through The Screening Process contains information of you that include but it is not limited to employment, licenses, military and educational files and information, criminal history, general information about lifestyle, reputation, character and behavior as an individual, credit bureau data and other citizen registries.  If a User, Visitor, Member or Subscriber solicit The Screening Process on another account holder within our system, will notify by email to that user’s registered email and will receive a copy of such report you have order or authorized through  The commencement of The Screening Process requires the authorization of the individual who will be background check in written form through email to  The results of The Screening Process will be available upon request of the background checked individual through the respective reporting agency if applicable or through  If you authorize a record check through the Screening Process in response to a request by any of our members considering you as a potential job candidate, both parties (caregiver and care seeker) will have access to the report from the consumer reporting agency that performed the background check.


f.   The delivery of such data is considered highly sensitive and it is the sole responsibility of each account holder, user, member and/or subscriber to submit the correct email address and contact information understanding that all the information  sent to such email is confidential, sensitive and delicate.  If you as a user, member or subscriber has requested The Screening Process on yourself through a third-party reporting agency not related to, such report is not valid until performs The Screening Process to validate such reports.  Once it has been validated it will be specified in your profile and/or bio that you have completed such background check report. However, the access to any report is available solely by written consent of the individual who has gone through The Screening Process.


Uses of Report

a.   The reports generated through The Screening Process are solely used for validating the identity and the representations members, users and subscribers have made of themselves, and/or the process of hiring a candidate or working purposes among members.    By agreeing to our Terms of Use, all visitors, users, member and/or subscribers fully understand that the use of any reports resulted from The Screening Process is regulated by the FCRA and the applicable State and/or Country’s laws; you also understand that can and will review any reports you have order, request of submitted as part of the safety measure used to protect the pureness and safety of our  site, products and/or services present or future, and the protection of other users, members and/or subscribers.  You can review the full compliance with the FCRA regarding consumer reports at


b.   You acknowledge and accept that may terminate, limit or cancel your membership and/or subscription,  moreover may delete your account, bio and restraint you on future use of our Site, webpages, services and/or product if the information disclosed in such reports, of any kind constitute a violation on any of our Terms of Use or part of our Terms of Use agreement.  A communication will be sent to you including the name, the contact information, and a copy of the report generated by such consumer report agency or give you access to such report, if such agency has not provided of a copy to you up front. Misleading information in any report should be directly address by you with the agency that generated such report and not with


c.   It is unequivocally understood by you, as a visitor, user, member or subscriber that or any of our corporations, affiliates or joint ventures does not have the authority or jurisdiction on the information gathered in any Consumer Report and hence, not held responsible for the accuracy or transparency of all or any part of such reports.  Any complains should be submitted directly with the third-party consumer report agency who performed The Screening Process according to their dispute time limitations.


d. does not represent any of its visitors, users, members, or subscribers and therefore, we do not mediate on behalf of you and will not intervene in any legal process that may arise by such disputes or claims.


e.   As a user, visitor, member, subscriber, or account holder in you are responsible to verify the accuracy of any report you have solicited, required, or receive.  The background process and The Screening Process that you may have access through or any of the third-party consumer report agencies and/or public records database we may use, is only an additional tool to use as a starter in the process of seeking, communicating and/or hiring a candidate through our Site and/or webpages.


By agreeing to The Terms of Use of Terms Agreement, you are unequivocally consenting the full process of background check and The Screening Process. Moreover, you understand that this is a process that takes time and that does not have control over the time it might be required to complete such process. You also agree on using the Reports in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations and Terms of Use and Uses of Reports.  At the same time, you agree to hold harmless and release, Nanny Group International LLC, its administrations, officials, stakeholders, successors, joint ventures and its affiliates from the damage, monetary loss or any injury, death or neglect, liability that may arise as a result from your use of, sharing of the information and/or reliance on the information or part of the information included or omitted in all or any of the consumer reports generated through The Screening Process.

You also acknowledge, understand and agree to indemnify  and hold harmless, Nanny Group International LLC, its administrations, officials, stakeholders, successors, joint ventures and its affiliates from the damage, monetary loss or any injury, death or neglect, emotional distress. liability that may arise as a result from your use of, sharing of the information and/or reliance on the information or part of the information included or omitted in all or any of the consumer reports generated through The Screening Process.

You unequivocally understand that although has no obligation on performing background checks or submit any visitor, user, member and/or subscriber through The Screening Process, when we request any report to any third party consumer report agency or submit any account holder through The Screening Process, there are limitations in the gathered information as it can be inaccurate, inconclusive, not timely or may be based on false information submitted by the account holder and should not be taken as complete, unequivocal or TRUE TO THE CORE as of  to be legible to use our site, webpages, products and/or services.

7.    Cancellation of Service reserves the right to cancel your account, membership or subscription, limit your access to all or part of Sites , webpages, products and/or services at any moment and/or delete your bio and/or profile with or without notice under suspicion of false, untrue information, questionable behavior in any part of our Site Content, ineligibility, the violation of any part or all of our Terms of Use herein or any Additional Terms, or because you are risking the safety for other users, our corporation, affiliates, joint ventures, stakeholders, administrators, or employees, including but not limited to exposition of copy right content that may damage our competitive position.

8.    Privacy of all our Users honor its Privacy Policy to all users, visitors, members and/or subscribers.  For complete information on our Privacy Policy in effect please visit the corresponding webpage.

9.    Renewals and Cancellation of Memberships or Subscriptions


a.   Your account as an active member and/or subscriber will automatically renew indefinitely until the account holder chooses not to renew the membership and/or subscription.  After the stipulated subscription time frame at the beginning of each membership/subscription, your account will renew under the same timeframe associated with your chosen membership plan.  Should you chose to cancel your subscription/membership plan, you may do so at any given moment and your credit card will be billed for the rest of the amount corresponding to the time due date of your subscription immediately.  Go to your Account Settings to manage your subscriptions payments, charges, and cancellation.


b.   Once your cancellation is in effect you are entitled to use your account for the remaining period of your membership/subscription.  You are obliged to pay for the duration of the period you have chosen to be subscribed even if you chose to cancel prior to that specific date, including any fees associated with your early cancellation.


10. Payment, billing, and Refund Policy


a.   To fully have access to all the features of, the user must activate a membership/subscription account.  The user, member and/or subscriber is responsible for any state tax or sales tax in connection with our Services and/or Product that have agreed to purchase or subscribe.


b.   When you subscribe to any of our paid memberships, you accord to pay the membership/subscription charges in connection with the Plan of your choice at the moment of acquiring and purchasing the membership/subscription.  You acknowledge and agree that use a third-party online payment system to charge you for the product and/or service you have chosen to subscribe.  All charges thereafter will be within the period for the amount stipulated according to the subscription plan of your selection at the moment of subscription. You also agree that charges you through a third-party online payment system for any other additional product and/or service that you have chosen to acquire related or not related to your membership/subscription.


c.   You unequivocally acknowledge and agree that having your credit card in system and on your subscriber/member file as a result of previous purchases you have made, may use that card to make any charges related to future purchases or other products or services you purchase thereafter.


d.   All payments related to any account membership, subscription or any other Service or Product available through our Site or webpages are non-refundable. 


11.    Changing you Plan

You acknowledge that once you choose your plan, should you desire to upgrade your Plan, you can do so at any moment and will apply the difference applicable to the last payment billing cycle you were originally enrolled/subscribed; thus paying only for the difference between plans.  Should you desire to downgrade your plan, you can do so at any moment.  Your new downgraded plan will start at the end of your original chosen plan period.  Once you end your initial membership selection and commitment, your membership will be downgraded, and you will be required to pay for the new Plan you have chosen.

12.    Claims and Resolution Center

In, we value and prioritize our visitors, users, members and/or subscribers without exceptions.  As a family corporation, we put lots of efforts in understanding each family need, each individual’s necessity and thus, acknowledging your feelings toward our company.  If you have any claim, and/or allegation, contact us through our administrative email to understand, analyze and favorably resolve any dispute or misunderstanding in a period no greater than 45 days.

13.    Disclaimers and additional Covenants


a.   The material, data, images, content, graphics, pictures and/or links are categorized “as is”. Moreover, additional content, opinions, statements and/or counseling available through the Site and/or webpages but not given directly by, it is understood that it is their owner’s authorship and such owners are accountable for such content and as such, should not be taken as TRUE TO THE CORE.  It is your responsibility to make the necessary research on any of the above mentioned.

b. does not: 1.validate the completeness, accuracy, veracity or no veracity of this content; 2. accept responsibility of any published counseling advice or opinion that has been made by third party entities or other users/members, or issue any covenant supporting any third party institution proficiency or non-infringement of third party rights; 3. Guarantee that your use of the Site, webpages, product and/or Services will be secure, uninterrupted, error-free or free of malware or viruses at all times, although our administration vigilantly and thorough fully  examine our platform, the Site, webpages, computers and devices to minimize such unauthorized intrusions and/or human errors; 4. Assure that the Site, webpages, products and/or services will meet your specifications and demands. 

c.   The use of Site, webpages, product and/or services shall be wisely used in accordance with your State and/or local laws and statutes; your use of the content through any of communication channels, including but not limited to the Site, webpages, promo, advertising and/or campaigns shall comply will all applicable laws and regulations.

d.   Any copyright infringement notice should be submitted to our legal department or administration to commence the due process of identification and removal of such copyright material and/or content.  The notice of copyright infringement must include a detailed narrative of the content, location on website or webpage, a copy of the original copy work to be examined, and your full name, phone number and email address to contact.


14.    Limitation of Liability and Indemnification​

By agreeing to The Terms of Use or Terms Agreement, you are unequivocally consenting to indemnify  and hold harmless, Nanny Group International LLC, its administrations, officials, stakeholders, successors, joint ventures and its affiliates from the damage, monetary loss or any injury, death or neglect, emotional distress, liability that may arise as a result from your use of the Site, webpages, products and/or services, including, but not limited to the reliance on the information or part of the information included, omitted or deleted in all or any or part of the Site, webpages, products and/or services,  any emails generated by the system or distributed to any visitor, user, member and/or subscriber, or the inability to use the Site, webpages, products and/or services; your incapacity to access the Site, webpages, products and/or Services, system errors or system intrusions that may cause interruptions or delays, malware, viruses or system disconnection, interruption of Service directly or indirectly connected to the termination of your membership/subscription. You also agree to remunerate attorneys’ fees and costs incurred by, Nanny Group International LLC, its administrations, officials, stakeholders, successors, joint ventures and its affiliates should any claim by third parties regarding content you submit, upload, provide, or communicate may supervene; and agree on collaborating with our administration and legal representative in a reasonable manner in the event of such claims to occur.

By agreeing to The Terms of Use or Terms Agreement, you unequivocally declare  that, Nanny Group International LLC, its administrations, officials, stakeholders, successors, joint ventures and its affiliates are not liable for any damage, monetary loss or any injury, death or neglect, emotional distress, liability that may arise as a result of your relationship and/or interaction with other users, visitors, members and/or subscribers; or for the conduct of any visitor, user,  member or subscriber  that may cause any loss, damage, harm, injury, monetary claim or demand as a result of a false representation, false identity or attempted to deceit you in anyway, directly or indirectly, in the present or future.  Moreover, any information, testimony or advice that may be posted on the Site and/or webpages it is not intended to substitute professional counseling, weather medical, psychological, therapeutically or financial but to be taken as informative and by no means makes no representation or warranties regarding the effects of following, applying or using any of the information given within or through the Site, webpages, products and/or services.  By all means, you should seek medical or professional advice through the qualified and trained specialist of your choice.

15.    Agreement on Arbitrage and Class Action Prohibition

By agreeing to The Terms Of Use and/or Terms Agreement, you unequivocally acknowledge and declare that all claims, allegations and/or dispute in connection to the Site, webpages, products and/or services, and/or as a result of this Terms Agreement or the breach of the covenant of warranties and agreement, infringement, or else between you and, Nanny Group International LLC, its administrations, officials, stakeholders, successors, joint ventures and its affiliates, shall be settled down by private dispute or arbitrage through a neutral agent/person (the Arbitrator) for a binding decision, instead of a court or jury, in accordance to the terms of this Agreement and this Agreement on Arbitrage and Class Action  Prohibition.  You shall present your petitions and defend your rights through a private dispute resolution process as determined by a neutral agent and in accordance to the Federal Arbitration Act (FAA). This arbitration process replaces the right to go to court.

By agreeing to The Terms Of Use and/or Terms Agreement, you unequivocally agree that you and, Nanny Group International LLC, its administrations, officials, stakeholders, successors, joint ventures and its affiliates may bring claims against the other only in an individual basis or  as an individual and not as a plaintiff or class action member, or representative proceeding and/or arbitration; therefor, no joining party is allowed in the process, and no fusion with other person’s claims against, Nanny Group International LLC, its administrations, officials, stakeholders, successors, joint ventures and its affiliates shall prevail.   Any course of action, settlement and/or relief resulting from this process cannot affect other visitors, user, members and/or subscribers. If a court or mediator determines that the Class Action Prohibition Agreement is not valid or null, the involved parties shall proceed on a class action settlement.

16.    Mediation Process

If after going through our Claim and Resolution Center remedy, there is no resolution within the period specified in our Claim and Resolution Center, then the commencement of the arbitration and mediation process shall proceed through fair channels with strict confidentiality.  You are required to compose a written statement soliciting arbitration that include Your name and address, a detailed description of your claim and the fair amount for recovery from damages and send it to and its legal representative, respectively.  The mediator, and not other Federal, State or local court shall have the  absolute authority to settle and/or resolve any claims or disputes in relation to this Terms of Use Agreement, Contract or Terms of Use, or the breach thereof, or else; all claims resulting by the enforcing, interpretation or  the generation of these Terms, including, but not limited to any allegation that all or part of these Terms of Use are void or rescinded, or if a dispute is subject to a mediation process shall be resolved as described above. 

Any claim with a sought monetary value of $12,000 or less, the parts involved can mediate by telephone or by written notice; an alternative that cannot be revoked once accorded unless an in-person hearing might be requested by the mediator.  Each party is responsible for all representation and representation fees, expert witnesses, mediation costs or any other related costs arising as a result of the Mediation Process, claim and/or dispute.  You may also choose to represent yourself and each case brought in by users will be resolved in its pureness and not by past rulings in other users’, members’, or subscribers’ mediation processes.

17.    Governing Law

This Agreement/Contract shall be deemed to have been made under and governed by the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, USA without regard to applicable choice of law rules. Unless expressly accord, all matters related to legal dispute, claims or mediation will be held by a State of Federal court in the Puerto Rico jurisdiction including, but not limited to litigation and any other legal matter.  All consumers’ right or remedies under a mandatory consumer protection laws pertaining to the jurisdiction of visitors, users, members, and subscribers supersede the Governing Law.


18.    Severability

If any term or provision of this Agreement shall be deemed prohibited by or invalid under any applicable law, such provision shall be invalidated without affecting the remaining provisions of this Agreement.


19.    Miscellaneous

This Contract, which you agree upon visit, use, registered or subscribed for the Service, including the Privacy Policy, and any applicable payment, renewal, additional Terms of Use, Code of Conduct, constitute the entire Agreement between you and regarding the use of the Site, webpages, products and/or services, superseding any prior agreements between you and in relation to your use of the Site, webpages, products and/or services, including but not limited to any prior version of this Agreement.  Unless otherwise explicitly stated, this Terms of Use will survive termination of your registration, membership and/or subscription to any of our products or services.

Communication Channels

By agreeing to The Terms Of Use and/or Terms Agreement, and/or by using the Site, webpages, products and services, you unequivocally acknowledge and consent the usage of electronic communications as the preferred and first choice of correspondence to deliver content, notices, documents, messages, advertising campaigns, alerts, emails, reports , live support through chat platforms, and any form of data or information by and its users, visitors, members and/or subscribers.


The headings and section titles in this Agreement are for the convenience of reference only and shall not affect its interpretations.


The Agreement on Arbitrage and Class Action Prohibition shall survive the termination of your contract with and your use of the Site, webpages, membership and/or subscription.  The Terms of Use will survive termination of your registration, membership and/or subscription to any of our products or services, unless specifically stated.

Contact Information

Should you need further assistance, or have any questions regarding the Site, webpages, products and/or services by please contact our office through our email or any of our available communication platforms.

Original on Transparent.png Search is the fastest growing online community in the United States of America for families in search of family-oriented services for their family, children, adults and pets.  Our platform give you access to family support services that helps you grow stronger, united and healthier.  As an additional tool for potential visitors, users and members, allows our community to connect with each other to seek the help that best meets their needs. Nonetheless, each user and visitor is solely responsible for their actions and conduct in compliance with any national, state or local law applicable to each case in relationship with the selected service, individual, and/or provider they chose to contact. does not employ any subscriber, user or member and does not engage in the profession of medical, mental or health counseling nor diagnosis of any treatment of any kind.

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© 2024 name, logo and slogan are a registered service mark belonging to Nanny Group International LLC and its owners under the laws of United States of America. NGI as a registered legal corporation, is duly authorized to do business and utilize Nanny On Call and service mark to identify it’s family oriented services. Any distribution of information, programs, advertising or any other confusing information by any other entity, public or private, or any individual doing business in United States of America and/or its territories, similar to our registered marks, constitutes a violation of the law.  All rights reserved.

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